Sunday, June 8, 2008

First post, it's a doozie...

Well I did it....I broke down and did the baby blogging thing. Some may think it's a little....uhm....CHEESY, but those people clearly aren't moms. Us moms need a way to brag about our children without cramming it down everyone's throats. This way, you can hear ALL about how my son is the coolest on the planet, but only if you WANT to. It's optional. There. See how that works?

Anyways, I thought I'd start with a general summary of the past 9 1/2 months. Anthony was born in Pensacola Florida last August 23rd. It was a relatively easy pregnancy (although I really detested every second of it...I know, I'm a horrible person. But I was fat, hot, and uncomfortable!), a HORRIFIC labor and delivery, and a blissful 9 1/2 months since then.

Anthony has more personality than any baby of his age I've ever encountered. He looks just like his daddy, only like me when he's sleeping. If anyone is baby talking him, he raises his eyebrow at you and looks at you like you're crazy. He honestly likes to be treated like an adult and acts embarassed by me when I give him repetitive kisses. He's got a combination of my SHORT temper, and daddy's explosive one. That's a bad combination! He's learning at an amazing pace at this point. He was an early crawler, and early babbler, and early wave-er, and early on just about everything else too. He's not walking QUITE yet, but he's close. He gets made at me when I leave him with the sitter or any family to go to work. I'll hand him over and then try to kiss him, and he turns away and ignores me. He's going to be a TOTAL momma's boy, and that thrills me.

Having a baby has changed my life in ways I never even thought of before. Instead of just jumping in the car to run to the store I now have to pack a full diaper bag complete with bottles and diapers for a week--JUST IN CASE (that's a term I didn't start using until I became a mom) I broke down and was deserted in the middle of nowhere somehow between my house and the store a mile away. I grab my purse, the diaper bag, Anthony, his bink (my term for pacifier), and an emergency bink for when he throws his first one on the floor at the grocery store. I then strap Anthony into his car seat, buckle my seat belt, realize that I forgot my cell phone in the house and need to go in to get it JUST IN CASE. I have a weird phobia about leaving Anthony in the car, even for 30 seconds in the driveway right outside the house in a perfectly safe neighborhood. So of course at that point, I unbuckle him and take him in with me. When I finally get to the store, I forget what I went there for in the first place, so I end up buying a whole cart full of groceries. Anyways, not even sure where I was going with that little rant. But life is different!

I do not believe another baby is going to be in the works for a very long time. I just can't imagine loving another child like I do Anthony. I want Anthony to have everything he needs, and a lot of the things that he wants...including TONS of attention from his mom and dad. I feel as though every child deserves that. I feel like I don't get enough time with Anthony as it is, I would never want to lessen that time or divide it between two children. If I was a stay at home mom, I know I would feel differently.

So that's about the gist of things as they stand now. Anthony, Joe, and I are currently house/apartment hunting, so I'm sure there's MANY more adventures to come :)

1 comment:

Kat, the Mom said...

i must be honest, i didnt read the whole blog yet (cuz its like after midnight & my eveys have officially fogged over) but the first paragraph is fricken great!

i'll catch up, dont worry ;)
