Sunday, June 22, 2008

Clapping and laughing and screaming...OH MY!

Anthony is officially clapping...with his hands TOGETHER! He's been doing it for months when he's excited but missing. It was really cute, but it's even better now that he knows the real way to clap! And just this morning he was playing with his toys and Joe and I were talking, I laughed about something and Anthony laughed too! Like he knew what we were saying! I've seen other older babies do this, but it's the first time he's done it.

He's on the VERY VERY edge of being able to stand without support. He'll do it, but then he realizes he isn't holding on to anything and falls a split second later. He's really cruising around from furniture to furniture so it's only a matter of time. People keep telling me not to push it, but honestly, he's the fastest crawler in the world, so it can't get too much worse! I'll let you know if I completely regret saying that soon!

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