Sunday, July 13, 2008

My poor baby is sick....

You want to know what makes me MADDER THAN ANYTHING?!?!? Mother's who could care less about the health and well being of their children and other people's children. My son goes to a babysitter who happens to be Joe's cousin. She also watches 2 other children most of the time...but typically not in the summer because their mother is a school teacher and has off. Well for some reason this "mother" decided to ship her kids off to the sitter when she had off (not the first time) and one of the children was sick. So my little boy caught this "hand foot mouth" -I think that's what it's called- virus from this other baby. Friday night he had a fever of 102.7 and I panicked! He's never had a fever that high. I gave him tylenol and slept with him on the couch. In the morning it was up even higher and by this time he was GRUMPY. I could tell something was bothering his throat, and he wouldn't eat because of it. I scheduled a doctor's appointment to take him in and get him checked out. I took his temp right before we left and it was 103.7. The "doctor" didn't do anything! He listened to his heart, asked me a couple of questions, and took a strep throat culture! I was so mad. We got more information on this "hand foot mouth" virus from the pharmacist at CVS! Apparently little blisters form in the baby's throat which makes it really painful for him to eat or drink. There's not much you can do about it, either. Just keep up with the Motrin and try to keep him hydrated. My poor angel. The only 3 times Anthony has ever been sick was a direct result of this other "mother" sending her sick child to the sitter's. I'd like to slap her. Anyhow, we've been spoiling Anthony with love and Dairy Queen Star Kisses!


Kat, the Mom said...

he looks SO grown up inthis pic, holy! and to answer you Q... i think she was MAYBE 10 months when she did her first one... i had been working with her for a while on it... and thats exaclty it, they know what it means & respond to it first, then eventually do it back, so just be consistent :)


Kat, the Mom said...

hey, now i read this blog.... i've had kids sent to my house when one of the parents had a day off, more than once... not too happy about that.. i've also had them send me their kids sick... its a wonderful line of work, watching other peoples kids... sigh* ... but dont be mad about the doc not doing anything, theres not alot you can do for a high fever, although he did have that virus, so i guss i might wonder what the heck too! it sux when ur kids are sick, you wanna help em, but cant, so sad!
