Monday, October 20, 2008

Moving UP in the world :)

Check out these pictures...they're funny. You have to view them in sequence to really get the full laugh.

Step 1: Anthony figures out how to loosen the baby gate from the wall.

Step 2: Anthony discovers he can fit under the baby gate

Step 3: Anthony overcomes yet another obstacle

Step 4: Anthony is off to conquer the baby-proofed cabinet in the upstairs bathroom!

He's getting so smart! He's definitely a problem solver! Yesterday he came in the kitchen and took a hand towell and ran away with it into the livingroom. A few minutes later Joe said "ANTHONY! Give me back my towell!" And there went Anthony into the kitchen to hand Joe the towell. Joe said "How'd you even know what I said?!". It's funny how he can understand us now. Like starting last week when we would ask him a question, he'd said "yea" no matter what we asked him. But the last few days he'd only say "yea" if he meant it. So when we ask him if he wants to go take a nap he shakes his head no, but right after that we'll ask him if he wants a snack and he'll say "yea". So he knows what's up!

Last weekend we went to the fall festival at the Peak with Joe's family. We hit up the brunch first and Anthony ate SO much. We filled his plate with fruits and ham and cornbread, and he even had some mango cheesecake for dessert. He devoured everything we put on his plate. Good little eater!

Another cute thing, if I run up the stairs to grab something he'll sit at the bottom of the stairs and call me REALLY LOUDLY! "MAMMA! MAMMA! MAMMA!" until I come down, then he says "HI!".

He's also playing peek-a-boo by himself. He'll cover his face up with a blanket or pillow, or anything he can find, and say "PEEK" when he pops out. Really cute. It just seems like all of these advances are happening all at once!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

He's getting SO BIG!

My little Anthony is appearing more and more like a "KID" instead of a baby. It's amazing and saddening at the same time! I miss my little baby, but it's so unreal to watch him grow and learn. I've never experienced anything like it. He's all of a sudden climbing into things, which is a little scary! The other day we found him in the cupboard underneath the bathroom sink (it's our downstairs bathroom, so we keep the cupboards completely empty for him to play in now). There's pictures below of that. SO funny. And when there's a TV show on where there's a clapping audience, he claps along. Like "Deal or No Deal" was on today and the guy won $175,000, so the audience went mad and Anthony dropped what he was doing to clap too. Funny. He's starting to get a little better with other kids too. We have a daycare at the gym, and the first time I had him in there he panicked because he's not used to being around more than a couple kids at a time. But he's gone in 4 times now and was a perfect angel and didn't cry at all. So that's a bit of a relief. Ok, and now I've noticed that 5 people that I know that were pregnant around the same time I was are now pregnant again. So I'm beginning to discover that the little tiny thought in my head that I wish Anthony was still a baby must be a pretty common feeling....because everyone's starting their second round already!! I'm going to try to stay strong because for us, now is just not the time to have another baby! Maybe in 5 years.....