Sunday, July 27, 2008


Just a couple of cute pictures of AJ with my sunglasses on from the pool today :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Anthony....say MOMMA"

So Anthony started doing yet another totally cute thing...well it's cute now, but it might get old pretty quick. He figured out how to shake his head "no" (and what it means when he does it.). So I say, "Anthony....say MOMMA" and he shakes his head-quite violently-NO! He'll do it over and over too. it's acutally quite hilarious. I'm going to try to upload a video I have of him doin it, but I've never tried that before so I can't make any promises!

Also, this cute pic....I had JUST put all his books away. He just recently became interested in books. Typically he wouldn't sit down long enough for me to read him a book, but now he likes to turn the pages himself.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cute story...

This morning I sat Anthony next to me on the couch and poured some puff snacks into my hand. Typically when he wants to eat something and he has his pacifier in his mouth, he'll spit the pacifier out and put the snack in. It's kind of cute. Today he did that, spit out his bink, and went to put the puff snack in his mouth. But he stopped mid way and noticed his bink on the couch cushion. He looked at it, then at the snack, then at the bink. With his other hand he picked the bink up, put it in MY mouth, and ate his snack! haha. I guess he figured that mom would be a better place holder than the couch! It was hilarious. And THEN he put the lid back on the snacks. He's never done that before. Getting SMARTER!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My poor baby is sick....

You want to know what makes me MADDER THAN ANYTHING?!?!? Mother's who could care less about the health and well being of their children and other people's children. My son goes to a babysitter who happens to be Joe's cousin. She also watches 2 other children most of the time...but typically not in the summer because their mother is a school teacher and has off. Well for some reason this "mother" decided to ship her kids off to the sitter when she had off (not the first time) and one of the children was sick. So my little boy caught this "hand foot mouth" -I think that's what it's called- virus from this other baby. Friday night he had a fever of 102.7 and I panicked! He's never had a fever that high. I gave him tylenol and slept with him on the couch. In the morning it was up even higher and by this time he was GRUMPY. I could tell something was bothering his throat, and he wouldn't eat because of it. I scheduled a doctor's appointment to take him in and get him checked out. I took his temp right before we left and it was 103.7. The "doctor" didn't do anything! He listened to his heart, asked me a couple of questions, and took a strep throat culture! I was so mad. We got more information on this "hand foot mouth" virus from the pharmacist at CVS! Apparently little blisters form in the baby's throat which makes it really painful for him to eat or drink. There's not much you can do about it, either. Just keep up with the Motrin and try to keep him hydrated. My poor angel. The only 3 times Anthony has ever been sick was a direct result of this other "mother" sending her sick child to the sitter's. I'd like to slap her. Anyhow, we've been spoiling Anthony with love and Dairy Queen Star Kisses!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Forcing laughs....

Ok so a couple of times we caught Anthony laughing when we laughed. But NOW he's just FORCING laughs and it's really funny. It almost sounds like a cough! He'll do it for like 10 minutes at a time and it just keeps going on and on because we're laughing at him, and he's trying to laugh at us too, even though he doesn't understand what's so funny!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Good weekend....

Anthony, Joe, and I had a really nice weekend together. My work schedule really allowed us to spend the whole weekend together, which never happens! On Friday we spent the day at the pool, and then headed down to the Yacht club for a picnic and to watch the fireworks. I really didn't think Anthony would stay awake for them...he usually goes to bed between 8 and 8:30. But he did! He watched the fireworks up on Daddy's shoulders...and didn't seem to intriqued, just indifferent! On Saturday we did a lot of running around...but we bought a new booster seat for Anthony that he seems to love.